Pattern testing: Basic leggings by Serger Pepper

Yes, this is another pattern testing post – what can I say, I am very lucky and honored to be part of a (few) group(s) testing patterns. There’s something in trying out a new pattern, before anybody else, that feeling that you know something that others don’t, and keeping a secret… It’s so much fun! (not to mention the free patterns 😉 )



This time it’s a pattern for my little girl. It’s for a pair of leggings, drafted by the talented Irene @ It’s something we both like: she loves being free (it’s like wearing a pair of sweatshirt trousers with a bit more elegant touch), I love being able to layer her clothes when the weather is cooler.


The pattern is easy – I mean, really EASY!! Only one pattern piece for the leggings, and another one for the cuffs. You just cut the pattern based on the waist-hip-inner leg measurements, and sew a few seams. What can be easier than that?! Bear in mind that I don’t have a serger, so I only use a normal sewing machine (triple stitch, zigzag stitch, ball-point needle and polyester thread). And the magic is done!


I used a fabric I found in my trusted remnants shop. It’s probably a 4-way stretch lycra (spandex), and I barely needed 90 cm (almost 1 yard), and still have some left for a matching summer top 😉 How good does that sound? I left the cuff out, because the leggings style I wanted is the classic one, so I did a folded hem, and stitched with a double needle for stretch fabrics.

I am a slow sewer, and yet I finished these in a couple of hours! Talking about speed sewing!! (In my books, at least 😀 )


I’m already planning a few more versions in cotton jersey, stretch fleece, etc (they can be used as pj bottoms, too!). This is a really versatile pattern, plus, the range of sizes is HUGE! I sewed a size 9 (my 7yo daughter is tall ❤ ) and it fits perfectly!

What are you waiting for? Go get yourself the pattern here: